Improving surgical outcomes of minimally invasive surgical procedures for patients using material innovation.
Adhesions are fibrinous bands of internal scar tissue that can cause internal tissues and organs that are normally separated to stick together. Peritoneal adhesions have been a recurring post-operation complication that have existed till today as a painful and traumatic experience for many patients today. Up to 93% of patients develop adhesions following initial laparotomy [1,2]. Modern medical science has yet to reach 100% reduction or prevention with the current gold standard of placement of adhesion barrier film or anti-fibrinolytic agents administered locally at the healing sites.

Based on in-vitro studies, Sporogenics has identified a unique immunomodulating characteristics in a plant-derived biopolymer. This naturally derived biopolymer contains an abundance of bioactive ingredients which specifically attenuate the cellular mechanism and signaling pathway of fibrogenesis and inflammation. Similar claims by other bioactive agents have been well supported by past scientific reports. For instance, gallic acid, a type of phenolic acid, has been shown to attenuate postoperative adhesion in animal studies [3]. Other phenolic acids and phenolic complexes have also been shown to exhibit immunomodulatory and cellular antioxidant activities, all play a significant role in the formation of postoperative adhesion [4].
1. Becker JM, Dayton MT, Fazio VW, et al. Prevention of postoperative abdominal adhesions by a sodium hyaluronate-based bioresorbable membrane: a prospective, randomized, double-blind multicenter study. J Am Coll Surg. 1996;183(4):297-306.
2. Menzies D, Ellis H. Intestinal obstruction from adhesions—how big is the problem? Ann R Coll Surg Engl. 1990;72(1):60-63.
3. Guangbing Wei, Yunhua Wu, Qi Gao, et. al. Gallic acid attenuates postoperative intra-abdrominal adhesion by inhibiting inflammatory reaction in a rat model, Med Sci Monit, 2018; 24: 827-838.
4. Soumaya Kilani-Jaziri et. al. Immunomodulatory and cellular anti-oxidant activities of caffeic, ferulic, and p-coumaric phenolic acids:
a structure-activity relationship study. Drug and Chemical Toxicology 2017; 40:4: 525-6014 (online).

Adhesion Prevention Products
Biodegradable membrane and sponge that target dysregulated inflammation to prevent postsurgical adhesion as the body heals.

Hemostatic Products
Hemostatic sponge to achieve clean operative field in minimally invasive surgical procedures.